Farming equipment is a big investment and often, an important part of your livelihood. In order to keep your equipment in good condition you’ll want to inspect it regularly. This will ensure your farming equipment has a long life and gives you a good return on your investment. We here at Flieg’s Equipment have put together a small inspection guide for you to follow. However, if you’re having serious issues with your equipment, or maybe need a more professional tune up, you can visit either of our service departments in Ste. Genevieve and Leadington, Missouri.

Do Your Research

We here at Flieg’s Equipment have a very large array of equipment and it wouldn’t be possible for us to create a guide for every make model and type of machinery we sell. Therefore, we advise you to read your equipment’s user manual, which should include important information relevant to your specific machinery. While most of the information in our guide should be applicable to most farming machinery, it’s still important to know specific details regarding your personal equipment.

Safety Gear

All farming equipment will come with a number of safety precautions to protect its user in the case of an accident. It’s important to check that this gear is functioning properly every time you use your machinery. Common safety gear and checks include ensuring lights are working and visible, confirming that both brakes and parking systems are optimal, and checking emergency safety gear such as seat belts will perform correctly. Inspecting other components that you may not associate with safety, such as steering mechanisms, are also key in avoiding an accident. 

Engine and Fluids

The next highest priority component you’ll want to inspect is the engine and various fluids. Before starting your machine confirm that there are no pools of liquid that could signal a leaking part. Check your oil, coolant, exhaust, and brake fluids to confirm that they are all adequately filled. Once you’ve confirmed your fluids are fine feel free to start your engine. Listen carefully for odd noises as it idles, or if it turns over as it starts. This usually indicates a larger issue that might need to be seen by a mechanic. 

Tires and Tracks

Checking your tires is pretty simple! A quick once over will tell you if your equipment wheels have any punctures, damages, or if the tread is insufficient. We also advise you to quickly check your tire pressure as it can dissipate slowly overtime or after a notable change in the weather. The same general rule applies if your machinery has tracks, a quick once over will notify you of any significant damage. You’ll also want to confirm that the track is laying flat and is completely dry. Wet tracks or nearby puddles might be the result of leaking fluids.


Before you head out with your farm equipment you’ll want to ensure that any and all implements on your machine are in working order. Check that these implements are still safely attached to your equipment and that there are no loose bolts or nuts that could come off. Grease any moving parts on and ensure that sharp components haven’t become dull or rusty. If there is any dust or debris we advise you to give it a quick wipe down so that build up doesn’t result in a malfunction. 

We here at Flieg’s Equipment have proudly served the areas of Farmington and Park Hills, MO, for years! Our goal is to create long-term relationships with our clientele while providing high quality customer service and high caliber equipment. We hope after reading this guide that you’ll stop by one of our dealerships and let our experienced staff help you with any of your equipment needs.